good music bar.
Might have to actually attempt to do something or else these blogs will degrade in to me telling you how lovely it is here
and how cool and chilled everyone seems to be.Have absolutley nothing to report , met a guy in the DS and his wife -
now do I look like the marriage councillor type.... if he doesn't treat you right then tell him to piss off I am long passed caring, and unless your move to sit next to me and engage me in conversation is going to end in a sexual act....FUCK OFF and leave me alone...or perhaps that was what I should of said...being sympathetic to people out here is the same as the dogs here once you have done it they tend to follow you around as ,did I not get the same speech the next night
Fortunatley he ( another Neil) was sober enough to tell her to shut up and go home.Will get an interesting report of life in Brisbane later ,whether there is a Dear John attached I do not know , but the proverbial worm has turned, so will await with great trepidation.Well that's still up in the air , but no harm no foul.
Again nothing to report played pool got drunk went home.At least the DS allows me to play my MP3 so loads of GD +FTHC was heard.
As it is NYE today will book up a fishing trip on the 5th, a birthday treat !!! Will also ring up and say hi to Ruebens, about the only thing I miss from the UK.BBQ tonight at the big house so an early start will be required.
Well every picture tells a story and have you seen Munch`s The Scream????
Mushrooms and me were never great bedfellows, but a night listening to my Ipod with my music convinced me otherwise and it was all going swimmingly up until the shrooms + half time kicked in , the visual effects were surreal , a bit to lifelike for me and home I did trott.
Woke up feeling rather good which was surprising all things considered,decided that I will stay one side of the bar and that is that .
Awoke with a hangover , but a quick glance through the texts that were exchanged put me right , works both ways????
Now am ready to face the world and its dogs.have made contact with the fishing people so birthday treat of a weeks drinking money is all set, apparently sailfish and marlin are biting like mad so little bro's shit your catfish.As i've said not a lot happens on the rock so for a chill out place its great but for acheiving material gains for the blog is nigh on impossible , still have no idea if I am staying or going yet but it seems I may of been a tad premature in my celebrations of extending this adventure.
So will hopefully have lots of cool photo's of the ones hat didn't get away to make even Ady cry.
All the best.
Lots of Bob - Most likely.....its takes a lot ....Don't think.
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